This Week’s Receipt

For some reason, the scanner is not working so…

From the Coop: (UPDATE: Thanks to a sharp-eyed reader, I realized that not all of the things I bought on the Coop are listed below – attempting to remember)

  • Coffee beans: 1.88
  • Almonds, sliced: 1.04
  • Garlic Powder: 0.44
  • Avocado: .99
  • Tofu: 1.45
  • Apples: 1.26
  • Persian Cucumber: 0.39
  • Salad: 2.56
  • Dried figs
  • Cashew pieces
  • Oats
  • Flax seeds
  • Carrots
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Bananas
  • possibly something else…

TOTAL: $16.47

From the Pioneer:

  • Bag of onions: .99
  • Goya 16-bean 1lb package: 2.36

TOTAL: $3.35

Farmer’s Market

  • Head of cauliflower: $2.50



Rice Noodle Stir-Fry

Grabbed some items from Chinatown (smoked tofu, Chinese spinach, baby bok choy and fresh rice noodles), which brought our weekly budget to $23.36.  Tonight’s dinner was a stir fry with rice noodles and stir fried bok choy, Chinese spinach and fresh corn with soy sauce and homemade spicy oil.

This Week’s Receipt

$ left: 6.66 (AHHH!) +  2.82 (last week) = $9.48 left

Weekend Spending Updates

This weekend we spent about $5 on rolls, limes, cilantro and a bag of peanut m&m’s for some weekend movie/popcorn watching.  We never at the m&m’s.  Maybe later this week!

Had a big gardening day on Saturday and managed to score some tomatoes, jalepeno peppers, Chinese 5-color peppers, squash blossoms and herbs.  Whipped up some salsa fresca from the tomatoes and peppers and an omelet with the herbs and squash blossoms.  On the advice of our expert readers, we also planted some garlic and onions, as well as some beets.

We have 2.82 to add on to this week’s budget.

Greatest Hits

We’ve been the recipients of some vegetable bounty from a co-worker, so we actually haven’t spent much money this week.  $2 for bread and $1 on lettuce = $3 spent this week – and its WEDNESDAY!  I’m thinking we need some veggie bacon in the house.

Tonight’s dinner was a rainbow chard frittata (thanks co-worker), a salad and some toasted bread.

Last night’s dinner was gazpacho and sandwiches with tomato jam and farmer’s cheese.

Breakfast has been cornbread with berries (gleaned from a work function).

New Receipt!

We’ve been out of town for summer vacation.  Could you tell?

Back and in business folks!  Here is this week’s rundown.

Fresh Farmer’s Cheese: 1.70

Great Northern Beans: 1.45

Tofu: 1.45

Eggs: 2.50

Plum Tomatoes (very foolish, as we just got a lot from the garden): .92

Kirby Cucumbers: 1.58

Purple Kale: 1.67

Salad: 2.88

Peaches: 1.17

Fennel: 1.62

Red Pepper: .63

Apples: 1.29

Scallions: .48

Eggplant: 2.51

Cousa Squash: .61

Sugar Baby Watermelon: 1.75

TOTAL: 24.21

Add $2.50 for 4 rolls and some horchata mix from the Pioneer.


This Week’s Receipts

I know, very late in coming.

If you get the chance to ever buy a donut peach…DO IT! Amazing taste and well worth the price.

Besides Phil’s Eggplant Bake, we’ve had some brown rice and tofu w/vegetables, a bunch of Mexian-inspired meals and brown rice pudding and frittatas for breakfast and peaches for dessert.

We also have $4.52 left for the week.

More Spending!

Walked through the Union Square Farmer’s Market this morning and snagged some gorgeous looking parsley and a bunch of radishes ($2 TOTAL!).  We also bought some bread, scallions and a dozen eggs last night for $2.98 – I used a coupon for the eggs, which was great!  Total amount for the week so far is $9.98.

Since it is once again super hot and humid, we’ve been making lots of salads and sandwiches for dinner.

Specifically, we have had cold curried carrot soup, tomato tart, baked tofu and potatoes, salad, black-eyed peas w/vegetables and muesli.

Tomato Tart & Prep for the Week

Made this tomato tart last night with all of the tomatoes my folks gave me.  We’ve made this a few times and you can find the recipe here.  Excellent for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Tonight we made a huge batch of muesli, curried carrot soup (served cold for lunch tomorrow), baked tofu, roasted potatoes and a big salad.  Phil spent $2.50 at the Pioneer getting limes, red pepper and romaine lettuce.  I spent $2.50 getting soy milk and dried fruits/nuts at Jack’s, bringing our total for the week up to $5 so far.

End of the Week Recap

We spent the rest of the budget on some bread and had sandwiches tonight.  We were actually out of town this weekend and reaped the bounty of my parents’ garden (tomatoes and cucumbers).  I also taught my mom how to make tomato jam and we made about 6 or 7 pint jars from 8 pounds of tomatoes!  We still have a bunch of things left in the fridge that we would have eaten (if we weren’t gone) – tofu, granola, yogurt, carrots, onions, potatoes, lettuce, red pepper and a lot of dried goods in the pantry.  Tomato tart is in the oven!